Personal Care

Personal Assessment Care

STEP ONE: Seize the Day! Contact Us

Call or send us a message. We will get the ball rolling on blood work and other health assessment information that will need to prescribe safely. We will also make an appointment for the initial telehealth consultation.

STEP TWO: Initial Telehealth Consultation

First, we will discuss your personal goals, health history, lab results, and nutritional goals. During this appointment, we will get to know you better to create a plan tailored to your needs. This appointment can be up to 45 minutes, depending on your needs. We want to ensure that we have all the information to assist you with your goals.

Next, we will create a treatment plan including diet, exercise, and dosing/timing of medications. Medications will be sent directly and discreetly to your home.

STEP THREE: Assess Progress and Tweak the Plan

This is where we assess your progress and make any necessary changes to medications or your treatment plan to ensure it works for you! This telehealth appointment is generally scheduled about one month after the initial consultation, usually about 15 to 30 minutes. We will discuss subsequent meetings at this time as well.

*Please note – you can contact us with questions regarding your prescribed medications or any other treatment plan concerns between appointments. We are your partner in this journey.


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